1.When writing to someone you know well, feel free to write as if you are speaking to the person.
2.With its bomb-making ability now demonstrated, North Korea may well feel it has little to lose by appearing a little more talkative.
3.Having written about the subject before in his 2008 book, "Traders, Guns and Money" , the author may well feel like a modern Cassandra.
4.The players as well feel we have built something together with many, many young players, and they will want to go to the end of it.
5.Mr Geithner might well feel that a repeat performance this week might induce Beijing to allow a faster appreciation.
6.You may well feel a bit uncomfortable at first but in the end you'll be more relaxed and enjoy their company far more.
7.Well, feel free to browse. We have other items on sale today.
8.Remember: Think well, act well, feel well, be well!
9.She still has plenty of living to do and may very well feel regret over this attitude in future years.
10.We might well feel aggrieved that we are being asked to wait until we are 66 to clock off for good.